In August this year we visited Bangor University’s Biorefining-Technology Transfer Centre at Mona on Anglesey to discuss a pilot scale moulder trial of our straw pulp. It was agreed that a two day trial should be carried out by the BioComposites Centre staff there. Trials were carried out (17th-18th September) on 100% straw pulp and also a mixture of 80 % straw pulp and 20% cardboard pulp. We were very pleased to hear that well-formed punnets were produced from both 100% straw pulp and from the 80 % straw/20% cardboard pulp mixture. You can see the excellent results from the 100% straw pulp in the photographs shown.
This confirms that the unbleached semi-cleaned straw paper pulp produced by our new low carbon process is a viable material that can be used as raw material for moulded packaging, which is good news in times when the paper industry is increasingly moving towards packaging production. Our technology is ideal for application in areas where straw is produced, thus saving on transport and storage.
We would like to thank Bangor University and the Bio Composites Centre staff for carrying out these tests and look forward to future collaborations.